Best love whatsapp Shayari in English

Best love whatsapp Shayari in English

Best love shayari for whatsapp 
1. Seeing me with you, the stars of the
sky are also getting angry with you,
 and are asking that like our star, what came to you.

2.There are some relationships that
do not have names, just feel but
live secretly, such relationships do not happen publicly.

3. Shikwa, I do not belong to God,
what did you need to make you so beautiful, the only wish of this crazy
is to get you only from Hasrat.

4. The world is going crazy, reading
our status, and they do not understand our point, they are one.

5. One day only the qualities will
remain in me, if you keep removing the shortcomings in me.

6. Have stolen from the lines of luck,
how can I think of forgetting you,
have found you with great blessings and have wanted you for a long time.

7. The intention is to live with you by breaking all the pacts and rituals of the world. ‌‌ It is a promise to live as a
 shadow with you all your life.

8. We want to die with you, because millions must have died on you.

9. We cannot stop our emotions, so do not talk to them anymore.

10. If you tell me again, I will come closer
 to you, because the smile has
disappeared, Nowadays, you have
heard this.

11. Here are the days, not seeing the sun,
 it is a group of lovers, there is no
wake up message.

12. Every moment you will crave to
 meet me, you will put your habit
in such a way that your heart
will still explode… your eye will also burst.

13. All hearted people are not 9, but everyone has a heart.

14. We 👈 just liked the smile that
came from your lips, did you know
that I knew that love would be better
than me?

15. You are my love, so what belongs to
me is just mine, why do I love my
love to anyone else as children.

16. Understand 😜 No ❌ you know you
 like my favorite, but you have become
 a book of English.

17. I like you 😘 Still, my choice is bad. People say so

18. Read my silence and seek it for
 me, the world also knows the
moving lips,

19. If a divorce was like love,
your love… your… would have
become yours.

20. No face is dimple, no face is pimple,
my person is simple and this photo
is for him only.

Best love whatsapp Shayari in English Best love whatsapp Shayari in English Reviewed by Gurkirt Sandhu on October 30, 2019 Rating: 5

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